EcoPlanet Bamboo is the only entity globally to have developed a verified system for the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of bamboo's climate change removal benefits. Our Nicaragua Bamboo Farms were validated under the Verified Carbon Standard in 2013, and verified most recently in 2021, representing the only accredited bamboo carbon offsets in the world.
In addition, EcoPlanet is the largest developer of reforestation projects on the African continent, with a growing portfolio of high quality projects within various stages of the VCS pipeline.
African Carbon Removal Bamboo Reforestation Projects
VCS Project ID 3072 - Riparian Restoration Project, Rwanda (Registered)
VCS Project ID 2928 - North Bandai Reforestation Project, Ghana (Registered)
VCS Project ID 2929 - Bandai Hills Reforestation Project, Ghana (Registered)
VCS Project ID 3632 - Eastern Cape Bamboo Forestry Project, South Africa (Under Validation)
In addition to our African and Central American projects, our Southeast Asia operations represent one of the first carbon removal projects to be successfully registered in the Philippines:
Asia Carbon Removal Bamboo Reforestation Project
VCS Project ID 2958 - Lanao Del Sur Reforestation Project, Philippines (Registered)
These integrated bamboo farms are removing and storing more than 12,000,000 tons of atmospheric carbon over a 20 year monitoring period, while allowing for sustainable thinning once the bamboo achieves maturity. All projects are developed to maximize biodiversity and targeting longterm social impact, with programs designed against each unique project context.

If grown as a deforestation free crop, bamboo has the potential to remove vast volumes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store this carbon in a long term biological carbon sink representing one of the most effective nature based solutions for addressing climate change. Bamboo's relatively fast growth rate means that these carbon removals occur in a short time period in comparison to other trees, with the majority of the carbon benefits being realized within ten years after planting.
The unique growth pattern of giant timber bamboo species allows for a permanent bamboo forest, even under a sustainable harvesting regime. The removal of select poles from each plant each year does not kill the bamboo plant, but in contrast stimulates further growth, with these poles and the carbon sink that they represent, being replaced during the following year's growing season.
These combined benefits make bamboo one of the most effective plants in the fight against global climate change, while providing both mitigation and adaptation benefits.

Contact us to learn more about our work to develop bamboo nature based solutions on some of the world's most degraded lands and the associated suite of net zero contributions, high quality carbon removals, biodiversity and social benefits.